Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dreams In Darkness

Last night, I dreamed...

He was there - The "Slender Man". He stood, and watched me from the trees outside my home. And then he was outside my window. And then I was running... running for my life. Every where I went, IT was already there. The kitchen, the living room, my brother's room, my grandparents' home...

Somehow, I ended up in a cemetery, dodging around gravestones as IT continued to pursue me. I found a mausoleum, entrance wide open. I ran inside, shutting the door behind me. And in the darkness, I sensed the cold and the death around me. It screamed at me, filled my senses with a fear that even being chased by IT couldn't match. I back towards the door, and walked into a body standing tall behind me.

I swung in fear, and he was there. His faceless head tilted, staring without seeing. I tried to shove him, but my hands hit metal. IT was gone. I pushed against the door, but it wouldn't budge. Behind me, the sound of quiet laughter. I turned, and he was there, and she was there. Her eyes all milky white seemed to pierce the darkness, and pierce me. She cackled quietly, from her crouch, flexing her hands as she did, her nails clacking menacingly against each other. IT ran his hand through her jet black hair. And then she was pouncing. She flew through the air at me, mouth open wide, teeth dripping red...

And I awoke in darkness, shuddering in a cold sweat, remembering every detail. I never remember my dreams. That note has affected me in ways I don't understand. Tomorrow, I'll confront my brother. I hope he wrote it, and my worry just caused the dream. I can't stand the thought of anything else...

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